Mindful Life Changes: Weekly Affirmations For Midlife

63. From Uncertainty to Strength: Affirmation for Embracing Change and Trusting the Process

Valerie Mekki Episode 63

In this episode, we tackle the initial phase of adjusting to change and trusting the process—whether it’s starting a new job, becoming an empty nester, moving to a new place, or even starting a new workout routine. This period often comes with uncertainty, anxiety, and discomfort as you navigate unfamiliar territory. Host Valerie Mekki provides reassurance and practical advice to help you understand that this moment is only temporary. By sticking it out, you’ll find your flow again, and on the other side of change lies growth and resilience. Tune in to learn how to embrace the transition period and come out stronger and more adaptable.

Formerly known as the "Mindful Career Change Podcast," I decided to broaden our conversation to cover all life transitions, not just our careers.

Follow the show @mindfullifechanges and DM a question or comment about the life transitions you're going through too. I might answer your question in one of the episodes to help you and other midlifers navigate this everchanging and beautiful season of life.


Connect with me on LinkedIn @valeriemekki

Speaker 1:

Today's affirmation I am strong, resilient and trust the process of change. Adjusting to change can be challenging. Whether you are pivoting into a new career, sending your kid off to college or committing to a new workout routine, he might feel anxious, uncertain and definitely uncomfortable in this unfamiliar territory. Your first instinct may be to quit before you even get started or to wish that life could go back to how it used to be, comfortable and familiar. However, we all know we wouldn't be facing this significant change if there wasn't a purpose or reason behind it. Yet acknowledging this doesn't make the initial period any easier or lessen the desire to find your flow once again. In today's episode, I want to remind you that this moment is only temporary and that you will find your rhythm again. On the other side of this change lies growth and resilience.

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Mindful Life Changes podcast, where we dive deep into the challenges and transformations shaping our lives, from shifts in our roles at home and work to the transitions we navigate physically and mentally as we gracefully age. I'm your host, valerie Mechie, a career change guide and mindfulness enthusiast. Today we are going to unpack the initial phase of adjusting to change, whether it's starting a new job, becoming an empty nester, moving into a new place or adopting a new workout routine. This period often comes with uncertainty, a little bit of anxiety and discomfort. You just want to know what you're doing is right and finding your flow again. I want to assure and remind you that this moment is only temporary. Stake it out, because on the other side of this change is growth and resilience. Yet I know saying it is easier said than done. So to help you feel less anxious or stressed, I want to share a few simple strategies and mindset shifts to help get you through this initial phase of change without giving up.

Speaker 1:

Number one write down your purpose. Why are you doing this period of change? What do you want to come out of it? Get really specific and explicit. Let's make this change worth it and mind-blowing. Visualize the best case scenario and keep that vision in mind. So it's your guiding light. Number two set small goals. Break down your transition into smaller, manageable steps. Take it one week at a time or even day by day. Setting and achieving small goals can help build your confidence and provide a sense of accomplishment to keep you motivated and focused.

Speaker 1:

Number three get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Today's pain is tomorrow's strength. There will be times you'll feel physical discomfort and have feelings of uncertainty and self-doubt, and during those times, dig deep, push through these moments, because on the other side is growth. Number four be patient and give yourself some grace. Change is a process and it's okay to take it one step at a time. You've never gone down this road before, so there will be a lot of mistakes and setbacks, but allow yourself to learn and grow through these experiences without being too hard on yourself. Patience and self-compassion will help you navigate this period more gracefully. So you're going to write down your purpose and get really specific and explicit about what you really want out of this change. Break down the transition into small goals and steps to help build your confidence and competence. Adopt a mindset of getting comfortable with discomfort it's just part of the process and on the other side is strength. And lastly, be patient with yourself. Change is a process and in time, you'll find your flow again.

Speaker 1:

With that being said, let's take advantage of this present moment with an affirmation session. We'll start our affirmation practice by priming our mind and body with a body scan, so you'll be open to this affirmation. Take a deep cleansing breath in and out, releasing any energy that does not serve your mind or body. Take one more cleansing breath in and out. I'll begin by reciting the affirmation twice and, while you listen to the affirmations, imagine you're writing this affirmation down on a whiteboard or you're watching someone write it on the board for you. This will help with memorization. So let's begin.

Speaker 1:

I am strong, resilient and trust the process of change. I am strong, resilient and trust the process of change. Resilient and trusts the process of change. I'll repeat the affirmation again, but this time I want you to repeat it out loud to yourself so you can make a connection. I am strong, resilient and trust the process of change. I'll repeat the affirmation again and once, once again, say it out loud to yourself I am strong, resilient and trust the process of change. Now imagine yourself finding your flow again, feeling accomplished and more confident because you've passed the initial phase of change and now thriving from it. I'll repeat the affirmation again and imagine yourself in full color in action. I am strong, resilient and trust the process of change. I am strong, resilient and trust the process of change. I'll repeat it one last time and give you a moment to let it sink in. I am strong, resilient and trust the process of change. When you're ready, slowly open your eyes if you had them closed and, if it feels comfortable to you, place your hand over your heart to help seal this affirmation practice with self-love and care. This affirmation is yours to recite and practice for at least 21 days once a day. It's most effective before going to bed at night or before you wake up in the morning, before you start your day.

Speaker 1:

To deepen your affirmation practice, consider making your affirmations sticky. Write this affirmation down on a sticky note and place it on your bathroom mirror or work area as a reminder that this phase is only temporary and to trust yourself in the process, or transform this affirmation into a short mantra I trust the process and repeat it yourself while going for a walk, doing yoga or working out to help you stay focused and motivated. To learn more about how to make your affirmations sticky, which is the acronym on how to make your affirmation practice more sustainable and effective, go back to episode one, where I walk you through step-by-step on how to make your affirmations sticky. Make sure to subscribe and bookmark this episode so you'll have it handy whenever you need a quick guide of this affirmation.

Speaker 1:

If you found this episode helpful. Please share it with a family member or a friend who may be in search of an empowering affirmation or mantra for a new phase of life, or show your appreciation by giving us a rating of this podcast, wherever you are listening. Your support will help other midlifers discover the podcast so it can grow and blossom. Thank you for sharing this time and space with me. Every moment you dedicate to being mindful is a step towards a more fulfilled and vibrant life. Keep embracing your midlife journey with an open heart and remember you're not alone in this. I look forward to our next mindful gathering. I'll talk to you soon.