Mindful Life Changes: Weekly Affirmations For Midlife

56. Beyond the To-Do List: Setting An Intention For Your Day—Affirmation For Focus and Being Present

Valerie Mekki Episode 56

Ever feel like life is a whirlwind of to-dos, emotions, and responsibilities? Midlife often brings a unique set of challenges, from juggling family and career to facing unexpected health concerns. It's easy to get swept up in the chaos and lose sight of what truly matters.

Join host Valerie Mekki in this episode of Mindful Life Changes as she shares her personal experiences and practical strategies for finding your center amidst the storm. Discover how setting a simple intention for your day can serve as an anchor, bringing you back to the present moment and guiding your actions with purpose and clarity. It's time to reclaim control and create a life filled with focus, resilience, and joy.

Formerly known as the "Mindful Career Change Podcast," I decided to broaden our conversation to cover all life transitions, not just our careers.

Follow the show @mindfullifechanges and DM a question or comment about the life transitions you're going through too. I might answer your question in one of the episodes to help you and other midlifers navigate this everchanging and beautiful season of life.


Connect with me on LinkedIn @valeriemekki

Speaker 1:

Do you ever find yourself on Sundays contemplating the week ahead and wondering how will I possibly get through this? On top of your daily routine and responsibilities, you might be facing a big presentation at work, helping your child with college applications or managing doctor's appointments for an aging parent. It's not just the added busyness, but also the emotional weight, the complex relationships and the ever-present threat of stress taking over the day. Even when faced with a flurry of emotions and events, we can still cultivate calmness and find our center by anchoring ourselves within intention. Sending an intention for the day can help you stay present, focused and clear-headed, even when life feels like a whirlwind. Hello and welcome to the Mindful Life Changes podcast, where we dive deep into the challenges and transformations shaping our lives, from shifts in our roles at home and work to the transitions we navigate physically and mentally as we gracefully age. I'm your host, valerie Mechie, a career change guide and mindfulness enthusiast.

Speaker 1:

Since turning 45, my life has been a whirlwind of unexpected events. In addition to managing exciting projects at work with my new career and supporting my daughter through her final year of high school, I've also been caring for a parent facing significant health challenges. This has meant juggling a variety of to-do lists, responsibilities and deadlines has meant juggling a variety of to-do lists, responsibilities and deadlines, each with its own emotional weight, nuanced relationships and the potential for burnout. Yet in the midst of the busyness, I don't want to rush through each moment, checking things off my list. I want to be fully present, maintain a clear mind and truly experience each interaction. For me, it seems that as I age, I'm coming to value the quality of my time over quantity. I want to protect my time and energy from being robbed by tension and stress, choosing instead to see tasks and encounters as opportunities for growth and connection. The trip to the doctor's office becomes an opportunity to connect with my mom or dad in the car. Preparing for a big work presentation transforms into a chance to showcase my ideas and talent. Sitting with my daughter as she explores her college and career options becomes an opportunity to open the discussion for her future, ultimately strengthening our bond.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I know what you might be thinking. This all sounds like a bit like a scene from a picture-perfect TV show, and you have every right to be a little suspect. After all, you are dealing with other people's moods, communication styles and unpredictable reactions, none of which you have any control over. However, you do have complete control over the energy and attitude you bring to each situation. To maintain this mindset shift, setting an intention before starting your day can serve as an anchor, bringing you back to your center when things go off course or get overwhelming. Caring for your parent for the day Anchor the day with grace by focusing on compassion for them and yourself. Anticipating, presenting a strategy to your team. Set your day with the intention of confidence and clarity, trusting your expertise and intelligence, planning to go over college applications with your child. Anchor your intention with patience, remembering when you face similar crossroads, moments at this age and you just wanted to be heard.

Speaker 1:

Here are some other words to help set your intention for the day. Acceptance this word promotes a sense of peace and understanding in the midst of life's chaos. Gratitude this word shifts focus towards appreciation for the present moment and the blessings in your life. Resilience this word reminds us of our inner strength and ability to overcome obstacles. Joy this word invites us to seek out moments of happiness even in the smallest details or occurrences. Calm this word encourages a sense of inner peace and tranquility in the midst of the busyness of life. Focus this word encourages you to stay present and avoid distractions. Compassion this word reminds us to treat ourselves and others with kindness and understanding. Growth this word encourages us to step outside of our comfort zones and embrace new experiences.

Speaker 1:

Now let's put these words into action. Choose one of these words in the morning, before you start your day, and commit to it as your intention. Write it down on a sticky note or your notes app on your phone. Whatever helps you declare and set this intention. Whatever helps you declare and set this intention. If the day goes awry or becomes overwhelming, you can quickly find your center by taking a deep breath in and out and repeating your chosen words silently to yourself. Let your intention be your anchor, grounding you in the present moment and guiding your actions throughout the day. So are you ready to take advantage of this present moment with a positive and empowering affirmation session? We'll start our affirmation practice by priming your mind and body so you'll be open to this affirmation. Take a deep cleansing breath in and out, releasing any energy that doesn't serve you.

Speaker 1:

I'll begin by reciting this affirmation twice. While you listen to the affirmations, imagine you're writing this affirmation down on a whiteboard or you're watching someone write it on the board for you. This will help with memorization. So let's begin. I am choosing to focus on what I can control and release what I cannot. I am choosing to focus on what I can control and release what I cannot. I'll repeat this affirmation again, but this time I want you to repeat it out loud to yourself so you can make a connection. I am choosing to focus on what I can control and release what I cannot. I'll repeat the affirmation again Once again. Say it out loud to yourself. I am choosing to focus on what I can control and release what I cannot.

Speaker 1:

Now visualize the intention you seek to embrace. Imagine yourself going through the day in action, in full color, with this intention. I'll give you a moment to visualize this in full color. I'm choosing to focus on what I can control and release what I cannot. I'll repeat it one last time and give you a moment to let it sink in. I am choosing to focus on what I can control and release what I cannot. When you're ready, slowly open your eyes. If you have them closed and if it feels comfortable to you, place your hand over your heart to help seal in the affirmation.

Speaker 1:

Practice with self-love and care. This affirmation is yours to recite and practice for at least 21 days once a day. It's most effective upon waking up in the morning, before you start your day. To deepen your affirmation practice, consider making your affirmations sticky this is an acronym to help you craft a more sustainable and effective affirmation practice. Refer back to episode one for more information on this method. Write down the intention that resonates with you, or one that you want to embrace, on a sticky note and place it on your bathroom mirror or on your laptop as a reminder of your commitment to yourself, or transform it into a mantra and repeat the word while doing yoga, working out or getting ready for the day. There is no better way to develop a healthy habit than by setting yourself up for success.

Speaker 1:

Subscribe to this podcast and bookmark this episode so you'll have it handy whenever you need a quick guide to this affirmation. If you found this episode helpful, please share it with a family member or a friend who may want to learn about setting intentions for their day, or show your appreciation by giving us a rating. Wherever you listen to podcasts, your support will help other midlifers discover our content, allowing this podcast to grow and blossom. Thank you for sharing this time and space with me, every moment you dedicate to being mindful is a step towards a more fulfilled and vibrant life. Keep embracing your midlife journey with an open heart and remember you are not alone in this. I look forward to our next mindful gathering. I'll talk to you soon.