Mindful Life Changes: Weekly Affirmations For Midlife

53. Affirmation for Joy and Fulfillment—Every Day, Not Just Mother’s Day or Birthdays

Valerie Mekki Episode 53

Did the glow of a recent celebration fade too quickly? Or perhaps you're simply seeking a fresh perspective on self-care, regardless of any special occasions. This episode is for all midlife moms, daughters, caregiver, or anyone juggling multiple roles, who are ready to break free from the cycle of guilt and prioritize their well-being.

Join host, Valerie Mekki, as she explores how to shift from viewing self-care as a reward to embracing it as a ritual – a necessary practice for maintaining energy, resilience, and joy. Through insightful storytelling and empowering affirmations, you'll discover how to set healthy boundaries without guilt, replenish your well of emotional resources, and cultivate a deeper sense of self-worth. Tune in and discover the transformative power of prioritizing yourself, not just on special occasions, but every day.

Formerly known as the "Mindful Career Change Podcast," I decided to broaden our conversation to cover all life transitions, not just our careers.

Follow the show @mindfullifechanges and DM a question or comment about the life transitions you're going through too. I might answer your question in one of the episodes to help you and other midlifers navigate this everchanging and beautiful season of life.


Connect with me on LinkedIn @valeriemekki

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Today's affirmation I am worthy of feeling joy and fulfillment every day. My well-being benefits those I love around me. This past weekend was Mother's Day and perhaps after the festivities settled, you found yourself thinking that was nice. But now it's back to reality. But even if you didn't celebrate Mother's Day, maybe you had a recent birthday filled with love, a bit of self-care, some flowers or a well-deserved massage, and maybe you simply gave yourself permission to do something nice for yourself. Whatever the occasion, that feeling of being appreciated and cared for doesn't have to fade away. Appreciated and cared for doesn't have to fade away. Let this year be different. We don't have to wait for birthdays or Mother's Day to remind ourselves of our worth or show ourselves some self-care. We can choose to find happiness and joy right here, right now. Let's choose ourselves, prioritize ourselves and show ourselves the same love and appreciation we so freely give to others, so we aren't left feeling depleted. Let's create a ripple effect of self-love and appreciation, carrying it forward not just for one day, but every single day.

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Hello and welcome to the Mindful Life Changes podcast, where we dive deep into the challenges and transformations shaping our lives, from shifts in our roles at home and work to the transitions we navigate, physically and mentally, as we gracefully age. I'm your host, valerie Mechie, a career change guide and mindfulness enthusiast. Remember that beautiful bouquet you received on Mother's Day or on your birthday? Did you enjoy that relaxing yoga class or spa treatment? In today's episode, I want to help you keep those good feelings going, no matter what made you feel special, fulfilled or at peace. But let's shift our perspective. Instead of viewing these experiences as occasional rewards or treats, let's see them as essential acts of self-love and self-worth, crucial for navigating the ups and downs of midlife and truly thriving, not just surviving.

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The responsibilities of caregiving during midlife can be overwhelming, whether your focus is raising children, caring for an aging parent, maintaining a relationship or supporting your community and colleagues at work. It can be deeply fulfilling, yet also incredibly depleting. It's easy to feel guilty when taking time out for yourselves, especially when the very title of caregiver seems to leave no room for I. But here's the truth we need that I time to effectively fill our roles. So let's shift the a quote-unquote reward. Think of it as a ritual. Rewards are often linked to a specific achievement or milestone, while rituals are consistent practices that nourish and sustain us. Maybe it's lighting a candle and journaling before you care for your aging parent, or keeping fresh flowers on the kitchen counter as a reminder to pause and breathe during your busy day. Rituals can ground us, provide us comfort and help us reconnect with our own needs and desires, even in the midst of the demands of a crazy and busy daily life.

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You're building resilience, not indulging. Doing something for yourself that lights you up inside isn't simply about indulgence. It's about strengthening your resilience to face life's challenges. Just as exercise builds physical strength, self-care builds mental and emotional fortitude. Self-care should not be a non-negotiable part of our daily routine. It's essential for replenishing our energy, reducing stress and maintaining overall balance, replenishing your well with wellness. Every time you give yourself focus and energy to someone else, even out of love and care, it's still energy flowing out. Imagine a well when you're constantly drawing water without replenishing it. It eventually runs dry. Similarly, neglecting self-care depletes our reserves of energy, resilience and joy. Regular self-care is like refilling that well, ensuring we have enough to give to others while also nourishing ourselves. So the next time you feel a twinge of guilt or hesitation about doing something that brings you joy or lights you up inside, remember these acts of self-care are essential for maintaining your ability to care for others. Repeat these phrases like a mantra to keep the positive feelings from Mother's Day or your birthday alive. The phrases are it's not a reward, it's a ritual. I'm building resilience, not indulging. I'm replenishing my well with wellness.

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Feeling deserving and worthy isn't reserved for one day a year. It's essential to practice every day. With that said, let's seize this moment with an empowering affirmation session. Let's shift our perspective from seeing self-care as a guilt-ridden indulgence, instead recognizing it as an essential requirement for a thriving midlife. We'll start our affirmation practice by priming your mind and body so you'll be open to this affirmation. Take a deep cleansing breath in and out.

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I'll begin by reciting the affirmation twice. While you listen to the affirmations, imagine you're writing the affirmation down on a whiteboard or you're watching someone write on the board for you. This will help with memorization. So let's begin. I am worthy of feeling joy and fulfillment every day. My well-being benefits those I love around me. I am worthy of feeling joy and fulfillment every day. My well-being benefits those I love around me. I'll repeat the affirmation again, but this time I want you to repeat it out loud to yourself so you can make a connection. I am worthy of feeling joy and fulfillment every day. My well-being benefits those I love around me. I'll repeat the affirmation again and once again, say it out loud to yourself I'm worthy of feeling joy and fulfillment every day. My well-being benefits those I love around me.

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Now imagine you're engaging in something that lights you up inside. It could be going to your happy place, writing in your journal, arranging your favorite flowers in a vase. Whatever brings you happiness and joy. Embrace this feeling at this moment and visualize it. I'll repeat this affirmation again and imagine yourself in action in full color.

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I am worthy of feeling joy and fulfillment every day. My well-being benefits those I love around me. I'll repeat it one last time and give you a moment to let it sink in I'm worthy of feeling joy and fulfillment every day. My well-being benefits those I love around me. When you're ready, slowly open your eyes if you have them closed. When you're ready, slowly open your eyes if you have them closed. And if it feels comfortable to you, place your hand over your heart to help seal in this affirmation practice with self-love and care.

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This affirmation is yours to recite in your practice for at least 21 days, once a day. It's most effective before you go to bed at night or when waking up in the morning before you start your day. To deepen your affirmation practice, consider making your affirmation sticky. Write the affirmation down on a sticky note and place it on your bathroom mirror or a laptop as a daily reminder that you are worthy of creating your own happiness and joy, so you're able to show up as your best version for yourself and the ones you love around you.

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Or reignite the feelings of serenity and self-love by listening to episode 52, the Mother's Day special, where I walk you through calming body scan followed by powerful I am statements as a reminder of your extraordinary self-worth of love and care. There is no better way to develop a healthy habit than setting yourself up for success. Subscribe to this podcast and bookmark this episode so you'll have it handy whenever you need a quick guide to this affirmation, helping you continue to build healthy habits. If you found this episode helpful, please share it with a friend who may be looking for an empowering affirmation to prioritize their self-care, or show your appreciation by giving us a rating wherever you're listening. Your support will help other midlifers discover this content, allowing this podcast to grow and flourish. Thank you for sharing this time and space with me. Every moment you dedicate to being mindful is a step towards a more fulfilled and vibrant life. Keep embracing your midlife journey with an open heart and remember you're not alone in this. I look forward to our next mindful gathering. I'll talk to you soon.