Mindful Life Changes: Weekly Affirmations For Midlife

52. Calming and Uplifting Affirmations for Moms—I Am Statements & Body Scan Meditation

Valerie Mekki Episode 52

As a mom, it's easy to put everyone else's needs before your own. This Mother's Day (or any day), prioritize yourself with a special episode dedicated to calming your mind and celebrating your strength. You are a master of multitasking, but the constant giving can leave you feeling depleted. In this episode, find a moment of peace with a guided body scan and transform your inner dialogue with "I am" and "You are" affirmations. These simple tools create a powerful shift toward self-love, resilience, and a brighter outlook on motherhood. Join me in this mindfulness practice for moms with affirmations designed to uplift, empower, and remind you of your incredible worth. 

Formerly known as the "Mindful Career Change Podcast," I decided to broaden our conversation to cover all life transitions, not just our careers.

Follow the show @mindfullifechanges and DM a question or comment about the life transitions you're going through too. I might answer your question in one of the episodes to help you and other midlifers navigate this everchanging and beautiful season of life.


Connect with me on LinkedIn @valeriemekki

Speaker 1:

In the US. Today is Mother's Day, a day when moms receive a bit more love and appreciation and perhaps feel a little less guilty about taking time out for ourselves. Our time is precious and we often give so much of it to others our children, partners, parents, work, friends and community. Let's take a moment to prioritize ourselves. So, on this Mother's Day, my gift to you is a moment of peace and serenity. We'll practice uplifting affirmations to help rejuvenate you so you can continue to be the strong support system for everyone around you. Hello and welcome to the Mindful Life Changes podcast, where we dive deep into the challenges and transformations shaping our lives, from shifts in our roles at home and work to the transitions we navigate physically and mentally as we gracefully age. I'm your host, valerie Mechie, a career change guide and mindfulness enthusiast. Typically, I focus on one affirmation, but today's episode is a special one. Think of it as my bouquet of self-care and wellness to you. We'll start with a calming body scan to help you release any unnecessary energy. Then I'll share a series of loving affirmations honoring all that you do as a mom. Finally, we'll end with an empowering I am statements I'm that you'll repeat to yourself so you can continue to thrive and be the amazing being you are A mom. We'll start our affirmation practice with a calming body scan. This will help you prime your mind and body so you'll be open to the affirmations that follow. Find a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down, if you like. Gently close your eyes or soften your gaze. Take a deep, cleansing breath in and out and out. Let's imagine a warm ray of sunshine moving slowly around the tips of your toes right up to the top of your head. This will begin our body scan. Beginning with your toes, imagine the warm ray of light scanning them Gradually, moving up around your calves, your thighs, around your hips and around your lower back. Become aware of any sensations you feel warm, coolness, tingle or tension. Then let it go. Simply breathe into that area and imagine the tension dissolving with each exhale. Continue scanning your body, moving up your back to your shoulders, around your neck, releasing any unnecessary energy or tension. Imagine the ray of light around your jaw, your ears, scanning your forehead and finally reaching the top of your head. Take one more deep breath in and release all the air out gently with a sigh.

Speaker 1:

I will now share a series of loving affirmations that celebrate how extraordinary you are. What you do every day isn't ordinary. You have learned and grown into this role. I want you to truly receive these loving affirmations and recognize your strength, your resilience and your boundless love as a mom. So let's begin. You are strong. Even when it feels like there are more challenges to deal with these days, you are capable. With your determination and courage, you've become a fierce being. You are resilient, bouncing back from setbacks, gaining strength and wisdom with each misstep or failure. You are nurturing, creating a safe and loving space for growth for you and your family. You are wise, drawing on experience and intuition to guide your way. You are imperfect, and that makes you perfectly human and humble. You are worthy of rest, care and moments just for yourself. You are enough, exactly as you are. You are loved beyond measure and without condition.

Speaker 1:

Now let's move on to the I Am statements. These powerful affirmations allow you to declare your inner truth to yourself, with God or the universe. Each statement is a reminder of your strength, resilience and the incredible woman you are. As I recite each one, repeat it out loud to yourself, allowing the words to resonate deeply within you. So let's begin. I am powerful. I am a powerful force every day. As a mother, I am building a legacy of love and strength for my children. I am capable of joy, fulfillment and time for myself. I am creating a beautiful life for myself and my family. I am open to new opportunities and possibilities. I am proud of the woman and mother I am becoming.

Speaker 1:

Now visualize one of these statements and repeat it out loud to yourself again. Imagine yourself living out the statement in action in full color. I'll give you a moment to visualize this. When you're ready, slowly open your eyes, if you had them closed, and, if it feels comfortable to you, place your hand over your heart to help seal in this affirmation practice with self-love and care. Remember, affirmation practices are a gift you can give yourself at any time, not just on Mother's Day. Feel free to revisit this episode whenever you need a moment of calmness and rejuvenation. For the fullest impact, consider transforming this practice into a daily ritual, in the morning before you start your day, or at night before you go to bed, at least for 21 days. The consistency will help you manifest your affirmations and cultivate a genuine self-care routine.

Speaker 1:

To deepen your affirmation practice, consider making your affirmations sticky. This is an acronym that is designed to make your affirmations more sustainable and effective. Refer back to episode one for more information on this method. You can also explore episode two for a full guided body scan meditation. For a full guided body scan meditation the perfect support to ease you into your affirmation practice or simply offer a moment of calmness and peace. There is no better way to develop a healthy habit than by setting yourself up for success.

Speaker 1:

Subscribe to this podcast and bookmark this episode so you'll have it handy whenever you need a quick guide of this affirmation. If you found this episode, so you'll have it handy whenever you need a quick guide of this affirmation. If you found this episode helpful, please feel free to share it with another mom as a way to recognize her strength and boundless love for herself and family, or show your appreciation by giving us a rating. Wherever you listen to podcasts, your support will help other midlife moms discover our content, allowing this podcast to grow and flourish. Thank you for sharing this time and space with me. Every moment you dedicate to being mindful is a step towards a more fulfilled and vibrant life. Keep embracing your midlife journey with an open heart and remember you're not alone in this. I look forward to our next mindful gathering. I'll talk to you soon.